At long last, it's come!
Fantastic job as usual mottis! The animation was solid. I loved how you exploded lights and added a little more dynamic scenery into the mix, such as the crates and doors. They really make a difference compared to older films. The gun sounds were also very well chosen and I loved how you blended each one into combat. Overall it was an adrenaline-paced experience and I loved the different styles of combat you offered.
My favorite part would have to be when Snowball finally infiltrates the base and he's switching between grenade launchers and shotguns. It gets even more exciting when he uses the SWAT shield to fight multiple bunnies at a time.
I didn't particularly like the stealth-bunny fight between the two as it reminded me a lot of Bunny Kill 1's ninja fight. It also felt a little in-cohesive when they started to fly in the air, as it was something we didn't really see in this film and it felt like it was meant for BK4 instead.
The ending was a little unexpected (well I had somebody spoil it for me off-site but I was still surprised) and I'm excited to see how Dust avenges his buddy. Overall, very well done. The music was a little slow at first but it picked up in the latter half of the film and complemented it really well. Great job! Now all you need is BunnyKill swag and your own game.